Win a book which can help us to understand how to have healthier relationships with our children, and as a result with other people. It also shows us that there are always ways to repair relationships with others. The book is called ‘The book you wish your parents had read (and that your children will be glad you did)’, and is written by the psychotherapist, Philippa Perry.
To win the book define what ‘wellbeing’ is in 10 words. There can be no more and no fewer than 10 words! What a great opportunity to reflect on what keeps us safe and sound in the world.
The winning definition will be published on 03/11/23 and the book will be sent to the winner. How exciting!
To participate, send your definition of 10 words by 31/10/23 to:
Terms and conditions:
- Each participant can only send one definition.
- There is only one prize, be it in Spanish or English.
- The competition only applies to residents in Spain.